Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh my! My very first blog! C'mon in! I'm Jamie and I always wondered about these things! Before I get too far off task (which is pretty much the norm for me) I wanna let you know I type exactly how I talk. I misspell words. (Even though spell check is about 2 inches away)  I make up my own words in English and... wait for it... in Spanish.  And some sometimes I get lazy and type in all lower case or all CAPS. Please note this does not mean I'm yelling. It simply means I was too much of a nub to type like I have some sense. lol. Oh yeah, I say intelligent things like OMG and WTF and other my new favorite made up by yours truly, SMS! (shrugging my shoulders). Yup I'm kooky in the coconut! Don't worry! you'll get used to meh! 

 So I'm a photographer and that means I get to take tons o pics of kids. My newest obsession is hair pretties! I don't have a buncha extra money to buy bows and clips and what have you not for every session with little gurls, so I decided to make my own! My friend Juliet is also making them with me and I'm a bit bitter hers look better than mine. HAHA☺ we plan on selling them and hopefully we'll earn some mad cash to play with! Except we haven't really gotten that far yet. Although we have made PLENTY of hair pretties!  We joked the other day while shopping at JoAnns Fabrics  together (via phone-2 different stores)... yeah we do that! Don't  you judge us!☺) that how can shopping at a fabric store on the weekend bring us so much joy? Admittedly, I'm not saving too much money after buying all the ribbon, feathers, and fabrics. In fact I believe I'm spending more! Hmmmm...  But check out what I've made with my magic hands!!! 

I have to say my new hobby keeps me off the streets! LOL!  Super sorry for the excessive upload of pix. I need visuals! Enjoy!!! 

I luv the color yellow!

Halloween tym!

I like making these

I made this one for my sister who is obsessed with the color purple.

This korker is called the Alyssa after my god-daughter

Ohhh... sparkly! 

These next couple are a bit fussy to make...

Mini korkers!


These are fun to make


perfect for fall.

Satin rose.


  1. thanks Julie! you know I love how yours turn out and I can't wait to take your pix of your hair pretties!
